Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

How long have we been married?

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Baby Flurry #2


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I can't help but laugh...

Justin filmed him yesterday walking behind his push walker...

...& then falling over. Every time I watch it I crack up!! I know I shouldn't laugh at my own child falling over but I think it is hilarious how he goes stiff like an armadillo & then rolls over...could be a contender in America's Funniest Home Videos, well in my book at least. Maybe I'm a bit biased but still.

So we have more molars coming in on his upper left side! That explains the fussiness joy he has been recently. The one on the bottom front is still coming in as well. I try not to stick my fingers in his mouth too often to check b/c boy can he bite down hard!

Coco & Bailey went to the vet yesterday for Bailey's 2 yr check-up & I thought Coco was due for more puppy shots but she was only due for a heartworm prevention pill. Coco now weighs almost 27 lbs which means she has gained over 9 lbs in a month! I have a feeling she is going to be a pretty big (tall) dog. Justin ran by Pet Stop last week to get her a collar so we can start getting her trained on the electric fence. She no longer just hangs out in the yard with Bailey...she's very friendly & will go see anything that moves! So, they were out of them & they were supposed to get more on Mon. When I called to see if they had come in yet, I asked her how much it was for a new receiver...she told me $299...and no I didn't leave out a decimal inb/w the 2 & 9...$300!!!! I heard they were expensive but I didn't realize they would be that much. I told Justin no more dogs pets until one keels over & they can reuse one of those collars! He did find a deal on the internet though so we are getting one for $130...much better than $300!

Carter has started actually talking & responding to us when we ask him to say something...sometimes. He says "bye-bye" but still won't make the motion, "coco" sounds like "cahcah", "dada" & we think Bailey is "baba". I love that he can actually communicate somewhat just keeps getting better & better! :)

1 comment:

  1. I am cracking up over that video! It is hilarious!!! Hudson says bye by too, but still doesn't do the motion either. Carter isn't the only one! :)
