Yep that's right; you guessed it...CAROLINE ELIZABETH FLURRY is here!!!!!! She's actually already 9 days old which means she was over 3 & 1/2 weeks early. All the people that said that I wasn't going to make it to 40 wks were right, the fortune cookies were right & deep down I knew I wasn't going to make it to my due date just like all my other friends that were due in Aug. I wasn't thinking she'd be here THIS early though. Of course now I can't imagine life without her...she's amazing!! Before I get into all of the details of little misses arrival, I wanted to share a link to my sweet SIL's blog so you can see a few pics she put HERE.
Ok let's rewind back to Tues. Aug. 2nd where I had my 36 wk appt that afternoon which was the first time for her to check my cervix & see if I was already progressing any. I was 1.5cm & 75% effaced...I was 1 cm & 75% effaced with Carter at this point so no big deal. Supposedly sometimes when the Dr checks you it can trigger labor which is obviously what happened to me. My contractions or really pain didn't start until 6am the next morning but I never had this with Carter since I was induced so I wasn't sure if it was real labor or not. It progressively got worse but never to the point the Dr wanted "contractions 5 min apart for an hour"...I actually never felt contractions until we were headed to the hospital, just constant throbbing like the worst cramps ever! We finally called the Dr around 8:15 & she said just to come in & she would check me again. I was 3.5cm now & 80% effaced so she said "looks like we're going to have a baby today". I couldn't believe it...with Carter I had to get induced the day before my due date & Caroline was going to get here at 36 wks which is considered pre-term. Now if this was my first child, I would have been freaking out since she was early & we were so unprepared as far as being packed for the hospital, her room is nowhere near ready, etc. I guess that's what comes with already having 1 & knowing what to expect. I really wasn't nervous at all, I just couldn't believe she was going to be here that day. After I had my epidural by 10:30, water broken around 1pm, & only having to push for about 15 min. Caroline made her debut into the world @ 5:18pm on August 3rd weighing a whopping 7 lbs 8oz & 20.5 in. long...she was HUGE for being so early! Just think if I had gone to my due date with her...she would've been 9.5 or 10 lbs!!! Carter was 8 lbs 6oz so we already knew we make big babies...J was 10 lbs & I was 8 lbs 3oz.
Caroline has done fabulous since she entered the world...her APGAR scores were 7 & 9 & she never had any lung issues which is common with pre-term babies. She is a sleeper for sure & a wonderful nurser...I have to wake her up a lot of the time to eat within 3 hours. I just want to make sure she's gaining weight. She's completely opposite how Carter was...I mean night & day difference. Carter NEVER slept...he would wake up every hour & half to two hours at night to eat & would not nap during the day unless you were holding him. She only wakes once or twice a night & is just a little bundle of joy. I'm so in love with her!! Now I totally understand the people that decide to stay home & not go back to work...they had babies like Caroline. :) Now don't get me wrong, Carter was worth every sleepless night but it's just comforting to know not all babies are like that. We are over the moon with forget how small & precious they are...I could just cuddle with her all day. More pics & updates to come!!
Friday, August 12, 2011
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