Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

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Baby Flurry #2


Friday, December 10, 2010

Tis the Season...for stealing

Yep that's my car...after my window was bashed in with a golfclub to get my GPS & radar detector...oh & my make-up!! I was parked at work (at the Galleria towers) on the top level of the parking deck. I had actually taken a really late lunch & got back to the office about 4:15 & this only happened maybe 30 min after that b/c a Hoover cop had pulled up there & parked around 5. One of my sweet co-workers called to break the news to me when he was going to his car & saw mine like this...mine was parked right by the stairs. They used a 9-iron...the head actually broke off in the car & cracked my windshield on the way. The cop took it hoping to possibly find fingerprints on it but he said it wasn't likely. To say glass was everywhere is an understatement...J just got finished shop-vacing it...probably the cleaniest the car has ever been! I'm sure shards will keep appearing for awhile's virtually impossible to get it all. You can tell they just bashed, grab & ran b/c they completely missed the ipod sitting right below the radio...but of course they grabbed my precious make-up...I think I was more upset about that than anything! I'm sure they just saw a little pink zip-up bag & thought it could have some goodies in it...they were sorely mistaken. I've had the same make-up bag for years & loved it...not to mention how much I had accumulated & how expensive it all is...oh well that's what insurance is for right?! I grabbed a few necessities at the mall tonight & I'll figure the rest out later. Speaking of the mall, we had originally planned to take C to see Santa tonight but after this fiasco I thought maybe it wasn't a good night to do it. I realized I'm not going to let this mess ruin our night so we went & had a blast!

We started out with Santa (no line barely which was shocking) which didn't go as well as I had hoped...last year was perfect but he was only about 9 mos...this year not so much. He was fine until I plopped him in Old St. Nick's lap & all we could get was this...

My bro & his g-friend Cassie came to hang too...C loves his Uncle Jason!

Ready for Santa...or so we thought.

Now he loved riding in the car buggy thing...

Fascinated by the glass ceiling...

We rode the carousel...Cupid actually.

This year they have a new thing...the Choo Choo Express train. C kept going "choo choo"...he loved it!


  1. Oh my poor thing. Your car, the make-up, the pup destroying the Christmas had a couple of really bad days!!

  2. OMG! How awful :( wish you guys were here, Eli would fix the car right up for you!!! Sorry to hear about the fender bender too -- hope it all gets fixed soon!!! Hasmik was scared of Santa last year -- we'll see what happens this year ;)
