But the fire is so delightful,
And since we've no place to go, Let is snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!
There wasn't a ton of snow but enough for J to make a miniature snowman! We loved having a white Christmas but too bad it didn't stick until today. C wasn't gung-ho about the snow or maybe the fact that he had to wear all those layers...I just loved looking out the window & seeing it all come down.
A few decoration pics...these have been up since the end of Nov & you can't see it but my DIY wreath is so dried out now.
We got C his own little real tree for the landing...
I thought my first bow tree topper I've ever made turned out pretty well...
Christmas Eve....
We went to the first service at our church @ 3 which was slammed. Then my Dad & Stepmom (Nana & Papa) came over around 5 to do our Christmas together. Later that night I went to the candlelight service at my old church with my mom, brother & his g-friend Cassie. The music starts at 10pm, the service is at 10:30 & it doesn't end until just before midnight. I absolutely love the music there & the singing of Silent Night by candlelight. We have a tradition to drink eggnog afterwards which we did at our house & opened a few presents too. It was a late night but a wonderful Christmas Eve.
Opening presents with Nana & Papa...
He opened this gift & immediately put the pants around his neck...silly child.
We were pleasantly surprised to see Santa come down our street on the firetruck! We had heard he was coming around this year (first time I think) & thought he was just going down the main Riverchase Parkway & a few other streets. We had planned to go to the end of the road to see him but then we got absorbed in opening presents & spending time with the fam & once we heard him we thought we had missed it...C was in awe...I think we all enjoyed it!
After my Dad left, we hung out for a bit & C kept going to sit inb/w J & Jason...I guess he was trying to be one of the guys...it was precious.
Christmas morning...
Santa came to visit & brought a rollercoaster, a police car rocker, a ton of books & other fun things.
This is how he started out, just pushing it, but he got the hang of riding it after a little bit...now we can't stop him...he loves it! And we have to be a "brake" in the kitchen so he doesn't fly into the fridge!
Is anyone else's toddler doing this?!? We think he's got to be teething for those 2 yr molars...he chews on everything...his clothes, blankets, etc.
Sweet Audrey
I think they enjoyed opening each other's gifts more than their own.
I wish I had gotten a pic of the 3 cousins together...this is the best one I got...of their backs! :)
I guess Audrey loved the cow rocker we got her...I love her expression!
C got a fancy tricycle from Papaw & Lala!
We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas...we sure did!!